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Grange Primary School

Be the best you can be!

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School Policies

At Grange we have various policies that cover all elements of school life.

If you would like any further information regarding a policy, please do not hesitate to contact the school.


Equal Opportunities

We are an inclusive school. Equal opportunity for all underpins all our work. It is the duty of the Governing Body, Head teacher and all staff to promote equal


Admissions and Applications for Places Grange Primary

The Governing Body has adopted the L.E.A. Admissions Policy, Equal Opportunities Policy and proposed dates for Preferred Placement requests. The school will admit all children without prejudice.
Admissions to the Specialist Teaching Facility are arranged by the L.E.A. Special Educational Needs Manager. We admit children into our Nursery after their third birthday, especially if parents request this provision. Admission Forms will need to be completed (Available from our school office) You will then be invited to attend a Nursery Induction Meeting. Children enter the
reception class at the start of the academic year (September) once they are four years old on or before August 31st.


Child Protection

The school’s first concern is the welfare of the child, and therefore, there may be occasions when it is necessary to consult other agencies even before contacting parents.
Should this be necessary, parents may be reassured that any concerns about the child will be discussed with them after talking with other agencies.


School Security

The school aims to provide a secure environment in which children are  untroubled by danger or fear.
Although parents are always welcome at the school, it is necessary to operate the ‘security buzzer’ at the main entrance in order to enter the building. All parents should report the Admin Officer or Head teacher.



We have adopted the LEA Policy and supplemented it with our own School Policy. If a problem arises we encourage our parents to discuss it with us immediately so that it may be resolved quickly and to the satisfaction
of all parties.



In order to ensure that every child’s wellbeing is given a high priority, we have in place a number of important policies which govern our work and ensure the successful ‘inclusion’ of all pupils.

We have a Code of Behaviour which has been agreed by the Teaching Staff and Governing Body in addition to a Policy for Behaviour Management including an outline of our approach to bullying.
We promote the ‘No Blame Approach’ and offer support for both ‘victim’ and ‘bully’ whilst firmly taking a ‘zero tolerance stance’ toward this unacceptable behaviour.


  • We endeavour to reinforce good behaviour patterns by a system of rewards rather than highlighting unacceptable behaviour on a regular basis.
  • The House System is seen as a ‘rewards system’ which celebrates and supports achievements in a widevariety of National Curriculum and Hidden Curriculum areas rather than as a ‘sanctions system’.
  • Achievement Certificates valuing good attendance are awarded at the end of the academic year. – We value a wide range of personal qualities, academic and sporting achievements via reward systems which change as the children’s interests develop.
  • The children have produced their own ‘Grange Golden Rules’ which are  displayed in the school as a regular reminder of expectations.


Pupils who have behavioural, social or emotional difficulties are supported sensitively and positively:


  • parental involvement in the process is seen as essential – where home and school work together, positive results are achieved – one to one Learning Support Assistants provide guidance in class and whilst at play where required
  • additional expertise from outside agencies is obtained when necessary



The school takes any incidents of bullying very seriously. As a school all staff and pupils are fully aware that bullying will not be tolerated. We have an Anti-Bullying Policy which is regularly reviewed and updated. The Governors, Staff and Pupils place a high priority on ensuring that bullying is dealt with quickly and efficiently in accordance with our policy.


Class Organisation and Staffing

  • Class organisation for the new Academic Year is presented to parents annually at the end of the Summer Term in preparation for the New Year.
  • The arrangements for inclusion of hearing impaired children with their mainstream peers will be adjusted in order to meet the needs of the individuals concerned. We ensure that all classes where inclusion takes place benefit from an increased staff: pupil ratio.
  • Admissions to Nursery will take place during the first two weeks of September. – Rising 3 year olds will be admitted in January of the year following their 3rd birthday if places are available. – Pupils experiencing behavioural, emotional and social difficulties may be provided with an additional one to one Learning Support Assistant.



At Grange we are working extremely hard as a school to improve all pupils’ attendance. It is vital that all pupils attend regularly and that good habits of attendance are sustained in Nursery and Reception. Regular attendance is most important. If a child is absent the school must be informed as soon as possible. Telephone or written messages are acceptable. Children should always be in school on time at the start of the school day in order to avoid missing a valuable part of the lesson. We value and promote excellent attendance as it enables our children to fulfil their full potential. Our Educational Welfare Office provides advice, guidance and support on a wide range of issues which may impact on your child’s attendance.

Caring for Our Pupils

Pastoral care of the pupils is the responsibility of the whole staff team with the Head teacher having overall responsibility. Mrs Hurley (Head teacher) is the
named person with responsibility for Child Protection, Looked after Children and Racial Equality and is able to provide support, advice and guidance on these important issues.

Regular training is provided in the areas of First Aid, Child Protection, Safe Use of the Internet, Fire Awareness, Deaf Awareness, Behaviour Management,
Personal and Social Education and a wide range of other areas relating to Health and Safety.


Child Care

The school provides excellent standards of Child Care via a privately owned and managed Pre-School Nursery (Child’s Play – open to the Community) and After School Child Care Club. The school also provides a free Breakfast Club funded by the Welsh Assembly Government.


Freedom of Information Policy

We have adopted the L.E.A. Policy and supplemented it with our own School Policy. Information requested under this Act will be provided in compliance with the recommendations within the statutory period.


Pupils’ committees

  • Rights Leaders
  • Eco Council
  • Criw Cymraeg
  • Digital Leaders


Sex Education Policy

Our Sex Education has been written by a joint Working Group of Governors, Staff and Parents. The programme is delivered in Year 5 and 6 using agreed teaching strategies and support materials. Parents are informed of the times allocated for these sessions and are able to access the Policy, programme outline and materials on request. We respect the right of Parents to withdraw their child from this aspect of our curriculum.
