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Grange Primary School

Be the best you can be!

Contact Details


Governing Body

Our Governing Body is made up of parents, school staff and members of the community and is a hardworking group of people who are actively involved in the life of our school. Governors meet termly and also in smaller sub–committees under the guidance of our current Chair of Governors, Mrs Chris May. They publish an Annual Report to Parents and report on their work in the Autumn Term.


Chair of Governors

Chris May - term ends November 2025


Vice-Chair Governor

Mark Child - term ends August 2023


Parent Governors

Hayley- Ann - term ends March 2026

Rachel Williams - term ends November 2024

Emily King - term ends November 2025

Lisa Loveridge - term ends May 2027


Local Education Authority Governors

Mark Child - term ends August 2023

Chris May - term ends November 2025



Community Governors

Sara Keeton - term ends October 2026




Head Teacher

John Webb


Staff and Teaching Governors

Gwen Suff (Acting Deputy Head Teacher)

Tom Draper (Teacher) - term ends November 2025

Emma Tucker (School Support) - term ends November 2025


Clerk to Governors

 (School Administrator)

All governors can be contacted via the school on 01792 404766

