School Logo

Grange Primary School

Be the best you can be!

Contact Details

Parent information

The Year 5 day starts at 8.50am and ends at 3.20pm. Please make sure you drop off and pick up your child promptly unless they are in Breakfast Club or an After School Club.   


Snack Time

The children can bring a healthy snack to school each day to eat during one of their break times. Water bottles can also be brought in to drink throughout the day.



P.E. is on a Friday afternoon and children can come to school in their sports kit. They can wear joggers, T-shirts, shorts & trainers. Please make sure that no jewellery is worn in school on our P.E. day.



Music is on a Thursday and provision is provided by Swansea Music. The children will get the chance to be taught by established music teachers who use a range of different instruments and techniques to develop their musical skills.



The children in Year 6 will join classes with Year 5 on a Friday afternoon to take part in well-being lessons which provide the children some time to be more creative, socialise as a wider group and provide opportunities to reflect on their learning.
